Our 3 Secrets to Stop the Weed War

Lawn weeds and garden bed weeds can just be plain annoying to look at and deal with.

As the summer heats up and the winter months leave, you may notice more and more weeds.

With a yank and a zap of weed-killer here and there, simple weed control should be no big deal.

Early spring is the best time of year to head off gnarly weed trouble

That’s why the best defense again pesky lawn weeds is a good strong attack. A good, thick layer of turfgrass solves weed problems faster than anything, but how you get there is the key.

If your lawn is thin, you will need to overseed it with quality grass seed that also does not have weed seed in the mix. Check the back of the bag and look for the lowest amount of weed seed.

Yes, that’s right, the grass seed actually is mixed with weed seed. Make sure you check the bag or go straight to a nursery to get 100% pure no weed grass seed. Quality grass seed means selecting a variety that is disease, drought, and insect resistant, and can withstand the hot summer months.

Grass seed comes both for shade and sun so make sure you get the right one that fits your turf needs.

If all this sounds too much we don’t blame you, ask Natures Elite Lawn and Landscape crew, we know exactly what’s best to build a thick, healthy green lawn.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

Tip #1: Weed control applications

Remember household Round Up is a commercial grade weed control and you might need something stronger. We offer commercial-grade weed control applications, and if scheduled ahead, we are happy to help you with what needs to be treated.

Tip #2: Fertilize your lawn

If you’re on board for Natures Elite Lawn and Landscape full season fertilization, you are lucky because we include our best commercial grade weed control for you. Our products will be applied as needed to build that thick happy healthy lawn.

Tip #3: Prevent weed to grow again

Use a granular sprinkler with a product called Weed Prevent, Preen, or Lilly Miller’s weed. The best time to apply is early and often, for 2 to 3 weeks to notice a difference.

Spray it around the plant base or tree, and within 1 foot from the root base of each plant. Eventually, weeds will be removed from your garden bed areas and tree.

Want to learn more or just have questions?

Call (208) 340-0820, our local Boise-based experienced crew will help you fight the weeds and get our lawn and garden bed back under control.


3 Best Practices for Weed Control and Fertilization


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